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Donate a fruit tree - Fielding orchard

Thank you to all the parents and carers that have expressed that they would like to donate either an apple or pear tree to our Fielding orchard.  If you would like to donate a tree then please purchase and bring to school.  If any trees that are brought into school could be left outside the main reception that would be appreciated. We will then arrange for it to be moved to the orchard to be planted.  We are looking at creating an orchard of different types of apple and pears trees so we can talk to the children around the similarities and differences of the fruits.  We also aim to eventually harvest the fruit to use in our cookery lessons. 


Our research shows the easiest fruit trees to keep within the UK are: 


Apple trees: Bardsey, Bramley 20, Bramley seedling, Charles Ross, Discovery.


Pears trees: Beth, Concorde, Gorham, Conference. 


If you are planning on donating a tree to Fielding then please drop us an email or pop into the office and we can inform you of what has currently been donated or if we have had enough trees donated.  Thank you for your continued support. 

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