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Dragon's Den in Year 6!

Today the Year 6 corridor has been turned into a den of dragons.

Pupils have spent the last few weeks tirelessly preparing a presentation, demonstrating the values of cooperation and unity, to create an original idea for a stall at the upcoming Christmas Fair. 

The pupils worked together in teams of four - five to  produce a business plan and then present this to the ‘Dragon’s Den’ in the hopes of winning their own stall at the Fair. Each group clearly outlined their idea, intentions, profit, cost, demonstrations and even a musical number!

After watching the pupils’ presentations, the ‘Dragons’ commented that the presentations were that 'the quality gets better year upon year!'.


The winning stalls, which will be appearing at the Christmas Fair on the 3rd December are:

Guess How Many Sweets in the Jar (6S)

Pinned Christmas (6F)

Christmas Memory Game (6F)

Santa's Adventure Trail (6P)

Knock the Star Off The Christmas (6S)


Special mention goes out to:

Elf In The Making - for a great song!

Chimney Rush - for a great and well thought-out presentation.

Underground Tube Map - for a incredibly original idea.


A huge thank you is in order for the PTFA Dragon's that superbly judged the wonderful presentations the Year Six's gave today.

Well done to all that were involved.

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