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End of term message from SENDCO and SEND Governor

As we end this term with the value of reflection, we'd like to express our gratitude to all staff and especially our teaching assistants, SENDCo, learning mentor and our leadership team who have worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth transition of all pupils back into school and start the Autumn term in such a positive way. We'd like to wholeheartedly thank all staff for working effortlessly in such challenging circumstances,  as well as supporting our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in particular. 


The resilience of both pupils and staff has been outstanding during these unusual times. The positive relationships and abundance of nurture from teachers and teaching assistants alike, has supported pupils feeling safe, calm and ready to learn. During my visits with Claire, it was reassuring to see interventions creating positive results and through meets with some of you, we were proud to see the immense delivery taking place. We are fully aware of the hours you dedicate, both in front and behind the scenes towards continuous improved teaching/learning to ensure each child has an equal opportunity. 


We look forward to building on this in the new Spring term and enabling all our pupils to be the best they can be: academically, socially and emotionally. We look forward to seeing our learners grow in confidence with the continued dedication and support from staff. As a success, most pupils with SEN&D are making at least expected progress,  which is incredible as we transitioned to periods of remote learning this year. We would like to extend our thanks to our parents for their continued joint support, adaptability and commitment as always. 


This year we wanted to offer our personal appreciation jointly,  whilst recognising the contribution of you all in ensuring we have an inspirational school for each of our children. We wish you all a peaceful Christmas break and wonderful start to the New Year. 

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