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Fielding Nursery holiday club, book now for the Easter Holidays

With just over a week left before the start of the Easter Holiday’s, Fielding Nursery is planning two weeks of fun and exploration.

The children enjoyed cooking so much in the February Half Term, we will be baking again this holiday, the children will create delicious cupcakes and fruit biscuits to share with their family. We will be planting this holiday so look out for some potted flower seeds coming home, please remind the children to water them and send us in some photos when they bloom.

There will also be lots of messy play to tantalise the children's senses, so remember old clothes for the holiday.


Holiday club will continue to explore the Fielding Forest and walking the plank on the school Pirate Ship, the children really enjoy these activities and are very keen to play a variety of games on the school field. We are also hoping for some warmer weather so that we can enjoy picnics on the school field.


These exciting experiences are open to all children who currently attend nursery. Session timings and fees follow the same pattern as term-time, and sessions can be selected in any pattern to meet your childcare needs. Please log into your Laser account to book.

Depending on your chosen sessions, please provide a wholesome healthy packed lunch and snack for teatime. Do remember to check that no food sent in with your child contains nuts or sesame. Fruit will be available throughout the day for the children.

Book via Laser

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