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Fielding pupils raise £3861 through Readathon!

What a wonderful example of our core value of Empathy in action! We are delighted to announce that Fielding pupils raised a total of £3861 for Readathon and the online donations are still coming in! Staff are extremely proud of pupils' energy, time and effort that they put into reading as many books as they could last week and we would like to say a huge thank you to families and friends who sponsored them and donated so generously! As we received 20% of the money we raise as books for our school, this means that we will have nearly £800 worth of new books coming our way very soon! We are also eagerly awaiting to find out who the two 'star' pupils are who will receive the £5 book tokens! Read for Good will be looking at pupils' sponsor cards to find out how many books they read and how much money they raised.


For children in hospital, books and stories are particularly important – they comfort, distract, reassure and entertain. Read for Good (who run Readathon) provides a regular supply of brand new books along with storyteller visits to brighten up the days of children in all of the UK’s main children’s hospitals. Children unable to leave their beds can choose books from our specially designed mobile bookcase which wheels right up to their bedside. Because they are brand new, the books are safe for those at high risk of infection.


If you'd like to find out more about the impact that our Fielding Readathon donations will have, please visit and to continue supporting your child along their reading journey, why not visit our Book Fair in the KS1 library? It is open tomorrow  (Friday, 8:15-8:45am and 3:30-4pm) and on Monday 13th, 8:15am-8:45am. Unfortunately, it then moves on to another school on Monday but it will return very soon!



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