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Fielding's Always Active - Challenge 7 and Game of the Week

Well done to everybody who had a go at last weeks challenge and thank you to those of you who are still sending in videos or photos of some of the older challenges. Remember you can do them at any time and still send in your attempts even if the current challenge is a different one.


This week the Challenge of the Week is the Juggling Challenge. This comes from a challenge that I have set myself and so am passing it on to you. I am really using the Fielding SPORT values for this one as it isn't easy (Self-belief, perseverance, optimism and resilience). Good luck!


Battleships is this weeks Game of the Week. There is a PE twist on a classic board game for this one and it is a lot of fun.


Finally, remember to have a look at the Fielding Sporting Stars page to see how other children have been staying active at home or if you want to share with us something that you have been doing. 

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