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Primary School and Nursery

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Fresher's Fair

Your chance to find out more about out Specialist Clubs.

We are fast approaching Fielding's first ever Fresher's fair. The event will be held onsite on 15th July between 3.45-5.30pm. We invite all Fielding parents to visit our stalls, run by our providers to chat with the teachers and coaches, pick up flyers and view uniform and books required for the activity; watch mini demo sessions of some of our active clubs in the main hall to see what your child will be learning; children are invited to join in with our free rugby, football and tennis taster sessions run on the field and main playground through out the afternoon; lastly children can drop in on our 'making sessions' run by our new sewing club and SOTA art and activity club. 

Taster sessions

London Scottish Rugby- 4pm, reception, year 1 and 2 / 5pm, year 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the field (25 minutes in length)

QPR football and Multisports- 3.45pm, year 3, 4, 5 and 6 / 4.30pm, reception, year 1 and 2 on the field (25 minutes in length)

Playground Tennis Project- Duration of event on middle playground

Sewing Club- drop in and join in between 3.45-4.35pm in the sports hall

SOTA art and activity club- drop in and join in between 3.45-4.35pm in the sports hall

Demonstration timetable-Main Hall

We invite parents to drop in and see our mini demonstrations of the following clubs.

3.45pm, Boxing

4.00pm, Yoga

4.15pm, Judo

4.30pm, Ballet

4.45pm, Cheerleading

So if you need more help to decide which activities to book for September we welcome you to Freshers event. Booking will then open on Tuesday 19th July, 8pm on Laser.

Contact Details and Useful Links
