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Governing Body vacancies

Parent governor needed

Elaine Wong, Parent governor, has resigned from our Governing Body.  Elaine has been a very active governor for over 3 years, including chairing our Pupils & Achievement Committee.  Governors play a vital role in shaping the education of young people by helping to set the ethos, vision and strategy for schools.

The school will shortly be making arrangements to find a new parent governor.  Nominations will be sought over the next few weeks.  It is likely that more than one nomination will be received which will result in a ballot for parents to select their choice of governor.  Further details will be published to all parents around half-term, enabling the election process to be completed before the next full governing body meeting in December.

New co-opted governor

Helena Coles, Co-opted governor has also resigned as a governor.  Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body often to meet the need for a specific set of skills, knowledge or experience.  Co-opted Governors can be people who live or work in the community served by the school, or people who do not work or live close to the school, but are committed to the good governance and success of the school.  The Governing Body is currently considering skills required and details of people interested in being a co-opted governor.

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