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High temperatures forecast for next week

Temperatures are forecast to be very high on Monday and Tuesday next week. The government expects schools to remain open with all pupils attending school in person. Nursery, main school, childcare (before and after-school), and specialist clubs are all expected to be open as usual.


We have reviewed and considered advice from the government and Ealing Council. We talked to staff at our weekly briefing this morning. Preparations include:

  • purchase of additional fans to increase air flow for the hottest classrooms - on the first floor, in the oldest parts of the school building and those facing south - including all year 4 and year 5 classrooms, class 6H and class 6F.
  • flexibility for teachers to move classes for periods of time to cooler parts of the school, for example, outside in shade, or use of the school's halls.
  • no PE takes place on Mondays. PE lessons on Tuesday could move indoors with a lower level of activity.
  • any combination of indoor play and/or short periods outside for morning and lunch breaks, depending on the weather and temperature.
  • already, windows open safely in all classrooms, internal doors remain open, to maximise air flow through the building.
  • pupils are able to drink water freely during the day, including during lessons.
  • summer school uniform matches warm weather conditions and should be worn. Polo style t-shirts can be relaxed to any plain white or blue t-shirt if families wish. If pupils do not already own or wear school style shorts, any plain grey or black shorts may also be worn for more flexibility.


Schools are unique. Each school operates in different circumstances. Some schools may close, or partially close, depending on their individual circumstances, approach and attitudes to risk. We mitigate risks, remain flexible and intend to operate as normal.


If parents choose to keep children at home due to the heat then this is likely to be marked as an unauthorised absence. However, in a small number of cases, if there is an underlying medical condition, we may authorise absence on a case by case basis.


There are no further cases of COVID-19 in class teachers. Those who have had COVID-19 this week have either returned to work or are expecting to return to work next week. This is lifting pressure on covering staff absence and/or splitting classes to work in other classrooms.


In the unlikely event that utilities or the water supply to the school fails, we may be forced to close at short notice. This will be last resort. Depending on the length of any closure, we may switch to remote learning by Microsoft Teams. 

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