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Home Learning and Reading Records

How to complete your child's reading record

Some parents have asked us for guidance on how to complete their child's reading record. We have put together some examples, link at the end of this news feature.

Miss Whaley, English Leader offers the following guidance, "We know time is precious, if possible please listen to your child read every day, even if it is only a couple of pages of a book. Write the date and name of the book  in a new box and sign your name/initials. 

In the 'remarks' column, briefly write about what you heard, how your child read, any words which your child found tricky to read or did not know the meaning of and/or anything that you discussed with them about the book."

"Sometimes, we understand that you may be in a rush and don't have the time to write a lengthy comment- in this instance, please write the date and sign to say that you listened to your child read, " added Miss Stabler, Assistant Head.

Your child's class teacher will view your child's reading record once a week and sign their initials

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