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Home learning, your views

255 parents, representing 383 pupils replied to our home learning surveys (40% of all pupils and 60% of our disadvantaged pupils). Main findings:

  • virtually every pupil has access to the internet and a device, although half are sharing it with another family member. There were no differences between disadvantaged and other pupils.
  • most pupils are accessing learning 5 days a week for 2 to 3 hours each day. Disadvantaged pupils and other pupils are spending similar amounts of time learning each week.
  • 96% of pupils get help at home from a parent or sibling.
  • Oak National Academy (90%), BBC Bitesize (80%) and links from Year Group Noticeboards (67%) are most common, supplemented by other learning away from a device and other online learning.

Views about our approach and ideas to improve are mixed:

  • 30 parents thanked the school or thought we have the right balance;
  • 13 expressed disappointment, especially in comparison to other local schools.

Barriers to learning at home include:

  • working parents, juggling home learning with their own work commitments;
  • shared devices;
  • feelings of being 'time poor';
  • too many links on Year Group Noticeboards and/or lack of clarity about what should be prioritised;
  • Oak National Academy lessons are dry and dull;
  • parents unable to motivate their own children;
  • children not being capable of learning on their own;
  • email letter to pupils is not personal enough.

Parents would like:

  • video conference style lessons from Fielding teachers (50 responses);
  • more personal contact from the class teacher by video conference, pre-recorded video or short audio message (36 responses). Some would like one to one contact daily or weekly;
  • opportunities for children to socialise with one another on-line;
  • work books and/or work sheets to complete at home;
  • individualised work, matched to children's own needs;
  • less choice, more directed and more more structure.

School leaders and the Governing Board have reviewed the school's approach and are making changes from Monday:

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