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Inclusion Drop-In update

Exciting changes to our Inclusion Drop-In Service


Fielding Primary School runs a monthly Inclusion Drop-In service. This is usually on the first Thursday of each month, term dates permitting, and is held in the School House. The session takes place between 2-3pm and is open to all parents and carers with children at Fielding Primary.

The Drop-Ins provide an opportunity to talk to Mrs Chadwick, SENDCo, and Mrs Reehal, Learning Mentor. Mrs Chadwick, as SENDCo oversees the support provision for children who have special educational needs, to ensure they reach their full potential. Mrs Reehal, as Learning Mentor, offers support and guidance to children who may be experiencing barriers to their learning or are socially excluded.

Parents and Carers are provided with an opportunity to meet and discuss any concerns that they may have in an informal manner.

The Inclusion team are delighted to announce that starting in March, there will also be a specialist joining the Drop-In sessions, focusing on a particular topic.

Each specialist will explain the role they play in supporting and promoting learning, health and well-being and be available to answer any questions.

The Drop-In on Thursday 3rd March will feature special guest speaker Hannah Howell-Day, Speech, Language and Communication Therapist.

Hannah explained her role:

"Did you know that 1/10 children in the UK have some form of Speech, Language or Communication difficulty? This means that they might:

• have difficulties learning words, or putting words into sentences 
• have problems understanding what other people are saying to them 
• find it hard to make friends and interact socially with people in the right way 
• be hard to understand because they can’t say sounds the right way


As a Speech and Language Therapist, I work with so many different types of children; children with Autism, learning difficulties, speech disorder, difficulties understanding others or expressing themselves! I don't just work with people who stammer, despite what the film 'The Kings Speech' might have told you!


Come along and find out more about my job, how I work with your school and your child"


Please see the Inclusion Drop-In calendar for more details of future specialists. 

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