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Primary School and Nursery

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Industrial action, 27th April & 2nd May: school closed, childcare and Nursery open

The National Education Union (NEU) is taking industrial action on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. As a result of this action:

  • main school, Reception - Year 6 - closed to all pupils.
  • ARP - closed to all pupils.
  • Nursery - open to children, as usual. Children to attend and wear Nursery uniform as usual.
  • childcare, Breakfast & After-School Clubs, and specialist clubs are open as usual. Pupils may attend and wear clothes of their choice.


These days of strike action straddle a Bank Holiday weekend. However the school is open to all pupils as usual on Friday 28th April. 


The risk of not having enough staff to teach pupils in school, including the risk of a picket line and staff not wishing to cross any picket line, means that the main school and ARP are closed to all pupils. Too few teachers have confirmed that they are working to even open a single year group.


Wrap around childcare - Breakfast and After-School Clubs - are open. If parents wish to cancel a booking, we will issue a credit to your child's childcare account. We are trying to be flexible to support any essential childcare needs at times we would usually be open while giving parents the flexibility to cancel if a booking no longer suits your arrangements.


Specialist clubs - before and after school - will run as scheduled. If your child does not attend we will offer a refund, on request to the clubs email address. 


Pupils who receive a benefits-related free school meal may collect a packed-lunches:

  • 27th April, sandwiches will be prepared and available for parents to collect the day before (Wednesday 26th April)
  • 2nd May, sandwiches will be made on the day and parents need to collect late morning.  


We are not providing remote education because we want to maintain harmonious employee relationships and do not expect teachers who are taking strike action to plan and prepare lessons in advance or teachers who are not taking strike action to cover for their colleagues. Parents may wish to use lessons and resources published by the government funded Oak Academy.


Whilst parents will, inevitably, experience some inconvenience, please remember that this industrial action has met all legal requirements and that teachers do not take the decision to strike lightly. 


Some teachers may attend picket lines at the Wyndham Road and/or Coombe Road entrances. Access for pupils and parents should not be restricted by any picket lines.

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