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Keeping our children safe, dogs on the school site

Do you own a dog?

Since September we have noticed an increase in the number of parents bringing dogs onto the school site. Staff and parents have asked us to clarify the 'rules' around bringing dogs to school during the morning drop-off and afternoon collection.

We have looked at what other schools do, there seems to be a wide range of differing opinions. Some school's and local authorities ban dogs altogether, while others only allow dogs if 'their paws don't touch the ground'. We have carried out a risk assessment and as a result have decided to take a balanced view.

The risks associated with bringing dogs onto the school site, including chaining them to the gate, are:

  • dog mess on the playground,
  • a child or adult being bitten,
  • injury to the dog (if chained to a school fence or gate).

To minimise these risks we have decided that dogs that can be carried, e,g, small dogs or puppies, may be bought onto the school site if:

  • they are on a lead and carried.

Dogs must not be allowed to run freely, they are the responsibility of the owner (including if they mess!).

Larger dogs should not be bought onto the school site or chained to a fence or gate.

Assistance dogs will be given permission to enter the site, however the school should be informed in advance.

We would like all parents to take the time to talk to their children about not approaching dogs, including petting or stroking without the permission of the owner.

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