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KS1 Panathlon

Today 8 children from KS1 attended a Panathlon event at Villiers High School run by the Featherstone Sports Partnership.


The children took part in eight events.


1. Boccia Blast - knocking a ball out of a hoop

2. Bean bag throw - throwing bean bags at different numbers

3. Flight path - throwing velcro balls at a target

4. Kurling - rolling Kurling stones 

5. Poly bat (Tennis) - balancing a beanbag on a racket and walking in a zig-zag

6. Basketball - throwing a ball in a hoop

7. Messi Football - dribbling and scoring a goal

8. Bowling - hitting the skittles down


A special thanks to ...

Elijah (1F), Millie (2P), Mahir (2H), Dottie (2S), Carrie (1H), Rosie (1F), Ollie (1S)

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