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Learning Continues At Home

Two years ago, Fielding’s home learning policy underwent some major changes. The children embraced these adaptations so well that routines have become firmly embedded and have not changed much since. With research showing that traditional style homework has very little impact on children of primary age, Fielding firmly believes children should take control and responsibility for their own work through a more creative route outside of school time. These beliefs underpin our home learning policy.

In order to provide a more consistent challenge for all children, half-termly creative home learning challenges will be set. These include a number of options to suit each family’s routines and all children are encouraged to produce pieces that are shown at the home learning showcase in school. Each year group will also invite parents in once a year to share this showcase. Please check the school calendar for more details about dates. Children have spoken about how much they enjoy showing their home learning at school, “It really lets me show what I’ve done and how much effort I have put in.” (Year 4 pupil).


Children in Years 1-6 bring in their reading book and reading record every day. This allows teachers and children to use their reading books during lessons. Children should read at home every day and record any new or unfamiliar words in their reading record. In addition to this, Years 2-6 should bring in their spelling log book every day. It will have this week’s spellings written inside for practise at home. Fielding has also made the exciting leap into Times Table Rockstars, where children can earn point to buy better equipment for their online band members. If you require a password for this, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

In order to prepare children to the transition to High School, pupils in Years 5 and 6 will receive pages of a grammar work book, along with pages of a maths workbook to complete each week. Parents and children should mark this work together, reviewing errors and successes. The pages to be completed each will be communicated via the Year Group Noticeboard.

In Reception, children will be given two books each week and phonics sounds to practise will also be sent home once a week. Parents of reception children may find that extra learning has been provided if your child’s class teacher noted that more practise was needed or that your child is ready to be challenged even further.

With home learning a great time for children to release their creative side, whilst re-enforcing their learning in school, engagement from adults at home is essential. Let’s make learning at home fun and enjoyable!

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