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Learning Mentor drop-ins

Our Learning Mentor, Mrs Reehal, is now running Drop-In Clinics for children in Key Stage 2. These clinics are for children who need someone to talk to, maybe because they are feeling a bit worried, upset or angry or may just need some advice or guidance.

The clinics run on Mondays and Wednesdays for all children from Key Stage 2, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays for trained Playground Friends and Peer Mediators. They will be held in the group room, opposite Mr Mappin’s music room, between 12.30-1.30pm. Drop-in’s are based on a first come, first seen basis.

A child experiencing friendship issues, requiring mediation, recently commented, “It helps to speak to the other person with an adult that I know.”

Please encourage your child/ren to drop-in, if you feel they would benefit from this service.

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