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More Music - piano for Y2

In the recent parent survey, a number of people asked if we could extend musical instrument lessons to KS1.  The answer is YES!


I've taken expert advice from tutors from Ealing Music Service, who suggest that piano and violin are fine for younger children, but wind instruments should generally be avoided, as the children's lungs are too small to cope with the pressure of blowing.  We are in the process of getting a violin tutor, but this person will not be able to start until after Summer (good news for the present Y1), but I am pleased to say that we are offering piano lessons to Y2 children from after the Easter break.


Lessons will be on Thursday afternoons and will last 20 minutes on a one-to-one basis with our piano tutor Mrs Davies.  The cost per child per lesson is £10.  You will be expected to sign up for 10 lessons between now and the Summer holiday, and you should have access to a piano or keyboard for your child to practise on at home.


If you are interested, email me by CLICKING THIS LINK.  Places are very limited, so please don't delay.


Michael Mappin (Music Teacher)

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