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Not sure where to upload? Class notebook too slow? Introducing 'assignments'

Earlier this week I wrote to you to share feedback and next steps from the parent and pupil survey on remote learning.

We are looking at long-term improvements to reduce some of the issues with class notebooks - including formatting, uploading work and slowness. The 'Assignments' tool should solve all these problems. 


From Monday 22 February (after the half-term break) your child’s remote learning teacher will set ‘assignments’ for children in the class team. To access the assignments your child will need to click on the ‘assignments’ tab on the top tool-bar of the team to see work that has been set. They then should follow the instructions, including any links to video lessons. Once completed work can then be submitted to the teacher from the same place. Each piece of work will have a due date. Teachers will either give written feedback (as indicated in the timetable) verbal feedback in a live session or ask children to self-mark or reflect using a rubric. Your child will receive a notification in the ‘Assignment Notification’ channel to let you know work has been set, and when it has been seen by the class teacher. 

From Monday 22 February links to lessons and any activity sheets will be removed from the weekly timetable. These will be added to each 'assignment'.


More information:

How to use assignments

Microsoft - using class notebooks


Some classes might start this earlier as a ‘trial’ to iron out any issues. If your child’s remote teacher is doing this they will add a post to the class team to let you know.

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