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Nursery Half-Term Holiday Club

This February half-term Fielding Nursery are planning a mixture of messy play activities, including multi-colour spaghetti, foam play, cornflour and much more, we want to excite the children’s senses and encourage hands on experiences. We will be baking a present for our families, and getting arty and crafty. The children really enjoy exploring Fielding’s forest, and ‘ships ahoy’ aboard the Pirate Ship, we will be adding some loose parts for them to create and build while exploring new materials. These exciting activities are open to all children currently attending our nursery, to secure your place please log into your Laser account.

Fees for holiday club sessions will be added to your Laser cashbook at the time of booking.

Please be careful when booking your sessions, as once selected and confirmed, you are unable to request a change and will be charged for your booked sessions regardless of whether your child attends.

Do make sure your child is dressed in old clothes and brings their coat to nursery as it can get very windy on the school field.

Please provide a wholesome healthy packed lunch and tea for your child, and please do check that any food sent in with your child does not contain nuts/traces of nuts or sesame, thank you. The children will have access to fruit as usual throughout the day.

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