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Online safety- what the children have told us

Online Safety findings from health related behaviour survey:

During Autumn 1, Year 4 and Year 6 pupils took part in a confidential online Health related behaviour survey. The survey’s results provided us with data regarding a range of areas such as healthy eating, physical activity and staying safe, which included online safety. We talk about online safety in our computing lessons but also specially teach how to stay safe as part of our PSHE curriculum.  We will use some of the data on online safety (please see below) from the survey to inform our staying safe units in PSHE for Years 4, 5 and 6 during Spring 1.

There are some key percentages in terms of the number of children with access to the internet and how many are regularly using apps that we thought we would share so you can keep having staying online safe conversations at home. Please see the NSPCC Net Aware and Share Aware pages for further guidance on keeping your children safe and keeping them informed of possible dangers.

Thank you


Findings from Health related Behaviour survey:

31% of pupils have smart phone with internet access. 21% of Year 4 boys and 21% Year 4 girls. 40% of Year 6 boys and 44% of Year 6 girls.

31% of children with smart phones say they no parental controls so can see whatever they like

28% of children with smart phones say that some sites are blocked.

35% of children are unsure/unaware of their electric devices have parental controls on them

78% of pupils play online games

23% of Year 6 girls say their parents know some of their online games

27% of pupils use snapchat, WhatsApp or Instagram

41% of pupils speak to friends of friends online and 16% speak to people they don’t know from real life

7% of children have sent personal information or info they regret online


Share Aware from NSPCC

Net Aware 


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