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Parent donations and school budget update

Parent donations have helped us through a difficult financial time. This has secured jobs and lets us keep giving pupils the things that matter most to us. We can now return to improving facilities for all of our pupils.


Around 200 families make a regular donation to the school each month. At the end of this financial year, £45,031 has been kindly donated. Every £1 donated is appreciated and has helped. Thank you.


Looking ahead to the new financial year and beyond, the school is in a much stronger financial position because:

  • class sizes of up to 32 pupils from year 3 brings in around £250,000 more government funding each year;
  • government funding has increased by at least £105 for each pupil;
  • childcare income for after-school and holiday clubs has increased because working parents are using us more than before the pandemic, exceeding our targets;
  • other income from our services, including specialist clubs, and donations are higher than expected;
  • our running costs are rising, including for energy, but we can manage these increased costs with our income. 


Altogther, the schools finances are healthy, strong and sustainable for the next few years, provided that the number of pupils at school stays about the same. We can continue to provide the same things to our pupils as we do now.


We are now going to work towards improving our school site. Before the pandemic, we were about to build a new all weather, floodlit multi-sport playing surface. We switched our cash reserves for this project to pay wages when the school was closed. If funds allow, we will build this as soon as we can. We want our pupils to benefit from better facilities at break times, during PE lessons and at after-school clubs. 


We continue to welcome regular voluntary donations to school from parents but our financial need is lower. There is no expectation on any family to make a voluntary donation to the school's funds:

  • if your circumstances have changed, or you no longer wish to make a donation, thank you for your help this year;
  • if you wish to continue making a donation to support us - thank you - every £1 helps us offer our pupils a little bit more.


If you would like to start making a regular, voluntary donation to the school, please contact us for our bank details:


Alternatively, if you would like to make a single, larger donation with the benefit to us of Gift Aid tax relief, please donate through the PTFA and our Charities Aid Foundation link: 

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