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PTFA: Fundraising Update & Discussions

Thank you to those parents who managed to attend one of the two PTFA meetings held on Monday (1 Feb).  As an update, we have managed to raise £12,800 this academic year - a fantastic achievement thus far but still a long way to go.  Nearly £8,000 of this came from Christmas related activities, £2.500 from Apple Donations and nearly £1,500 from employer donations amongst the various activities - so every little bit helps.  Overall we need to raise £28,000.


In the coming months we hope to have a raft of activities including a Virtual Balloon Race, Personalised Year Group Tea Towels, Music Bingo Night, Egg Decorating Competition and a Secret Gift Shop.  We have also started discussions around activities in the Summer term including a Virtual Race Night (Horse Racing), Summer Fair options, Chicken Poop Bingo, Dancathon and Summer Picnic. If you can help with any of these please email  

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