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PTFA: Is your child running the Ealing Mini Mile (23 Sept)?

The PTFA knows that there are many pupils taking part in the Ealing Mini Mile on 23 Sept and that pupils are keen to raise money for our charitable activities!  This is absolutely wonderful to hear and hopefully a testament to the enjoyment pupils get from activities that are funded by the PTFA - which include Forest School, Kitchen Garden, Drumming and School Trips amongst others experiences.


We already have fundraising pages set up for the following groups (so feel free to donate - and we can claim GiftAid):


All Year 1 Classes

Class 2P:

Class 2H:

Class 3P:

Class 5P

Class 5S


If you would like the PTFA to set up a dedicated fundraising page for a particular class where there are multiple pupils running, please get in touch by emailing We'll be able to provide you with landing pages and totalisers alongside social media assets to promote to family and friends about your child's involvement. It's a great way to raise money from outside the parent community. 

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