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PTFA Meeting - Summer Fair Stalls - Mon 23 April 2018 (9am & 8.30pm)

The PTFA will be hosting its regular parents meeting to discuss upcoming events along the chance to pick the summer fair stalls that need to be organised. This is a must for Class Reps if they would like first dibs on the stalls options! We will also happily look at other stall ideas during the meeting.

We will be reviewing activity from the last few events, but also decide whether we can justify organising a Summer Picnic (planned for 9 June) which, at the moment, is lacking any interest from parents to help organise. This event will be cancelled unless another four/six parents can be found. Duties include helping to arrange activities like scarecrow making, wellie throwing or just helping to cover the entrance gate.

The meeting, being held on Monday 23 April, will be repeated twice during the day (once in the morning with Mr Dunmall, and again in the evening) to allow as many parents/carers to participate.

The morning meeting is in the school house after morning drop off (9.00am) and the evening meeting on the same day, also in the school house at 8.30pm. All parents are welcome to join us at one of these meetings and it would be great to see as many of you as possible.

The morning meeting is accompanied by tea and coffee. The evening meeting is accompanied by a glass of wine and it would be great for parents to stay for a drink or two after the meeting. It is a great opportunity to meet other parents especially if you are new to the school. We look forward to seeing you there!

Minutes for the last meeting can be found at:

The PTFA Committee (

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