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PTFA needs new volunteers to step up at AGM (4 Oct)

The PTFA holds its AGM on Tuesday 4 October in the main school hall at 8.30pm.  Sadly we have a number of committee members standing down including the Chair,  Treasurer and one co-secretary following a solid five year stint and our Vice-Chair is also standing down. 


It is really important that fresh faces join the committee to help ensure the PTFA's ongoing commitments to the school are maintained. Adding new members will also spread the workload across the team ensuring it becomes less reliant on a small group.


If you are able to spare a small amount of time each week or even each month, then we'd love to hear from you. Happily, the outgoing team will still be on hand to mentor/advise on best practice should anyone need advice if you are new to volunteering. 


If you would like to discuss any of the roles or how to get involved, please email or come along to the AGM on 4 October where wine and soft drinks will also be available to celebrate our past 12 months successes but also welcome new parents in a face-to-face environment.

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