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PTFA Reminder: Drinks Reception and AGM Mon 2 Oct

The annual PTFA AGM is being held on Monday 2 October. We'll be showcasing some of the projects the PTFA have funded, alongside confirming a calendar of events for the next 12 months. Please come along and let us know what you think!

We ask that a class rep from each class attend the meeting if they can, but any parent/carer is free to attend to find out more about what we do.  The meeting kicks off at 8.30pm in the Sports Hall at Fielding Primary School and should last no longer than 60mins.  We'll have drinks available too.

We rely on volunteers to run the PTFA and the majority have full time jobs. We understand these are tough times, but if you believe in helping enrich the education of our children and have even a small amount of time (30mins a week), we are on the lookout for some parents to help support central activities. Even if you are new to volunteering there is plenty of guidance from the rest of the team. We'll happily explain the roles in more detail either face-to-face or via

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