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PTFA Second Hand Uniform Shop opens on its first anniversary (20 April)

The PTFA's Secondhand Uniform Shop celebrates its first anniversary this month. In that time, we have had roughly a sale every month of the school year and raised an average of £300 at each one. This excludes the Christmas and Summer fairs which always had popular uniform sales. We estimate that over 1,400 pieces of uniform (both branded and non-branded) have been purchased at the shop supporting countless families and reducing the amount going to landfill.
The shop is open once a month on either a Friday afternoon 3:30-4:30 or a Saturday morning 10:00-11:30, and dates can be found on the school calendar. Donations can be brought to the shop during the opening hours or left with the school office. The Fielding PTFA Uniform shop sells both branded and non-branded items in sizes from nursery all the way up to and included year 6, with prices ranging form 30p to £4 per item. If you haven’t visited yet, the shop is in the reception playground, next to the sports hall.

The shop is organised and staffed exclusively by volunteers. In order to build on the success of the first year and to continue to provide this valuable service to the Fielding community we need more supporters to ensure the sales can continue to take place. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to sort uniform ahead of a sale or at a sale event please get in touch at

Next sale is Saturday 20th April 10:00 – 11:30. We hope to see you there


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