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Primary School and Nursery

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Re-opening for Spring Term

The government announced today that primary schools in Ealing will not open from 4 January. The earliest school will now open is 18 January. We did not expect this announcement. We will publish more information tomorrow by 5pm. Our initial plans are:

  • Nursery is open to all pupils, as usual
  • Children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable are welcome to attend school and childcare, as usual
  • All other pupils will learn at home using Microsoft Teams.


Children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable are welcome to attend school as usual:

  • They are likely to be taught in Year Group 'bubbles' by teacher(s) from their own year group between 8.30am and 3.30pm. 
  • There is no fee or charge for education during the main school day from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Booking will be by MyChildatSchool (MCAS) so that we know which children to expect.
  • Places are unlimited and guaranteed. We will match the number of teachers from the year group, working in school, to the number of children booked to attend.
  • Pupils learning in school and pupils learning at home will broadly follow the same taught curriculum.
  • Wrap-around childcare from 7.30am until 6pm, Breakfast club and After-school club, is also available. Usual fees apply. Usual booking on MCAS. Children will continue to attend childcare organised by Year Group 'bubble'.


Nursey is open to all pupils, as usual, from 7.30am to 6pm. There is no change to the childcare, teaching and learning for pupils in Nursery. Fees are unchanged. 


All other pupils will learn at home using Microsoft Teams:

  • We are likely to use a blended learning approach. This includes small group video meetings with our class teachers, tasks set by our teachers and taught video lessons from Oak Academy and others.
  • Pupils learning at home and those in school will broadly follow the same taught curriculum.
  • Some teachers from each age group will be working in school so that we can support children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable. All other teachers from each age group will support children learning at home. This might mean your child is working with a different teacher at home.


We will write again tomorrow when our plans are more detailed. Booking for children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable will open on MCAS tomorrow evening. Every child who needs to be in school is guaranteed a place.

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