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Reception children enjoy learning


Children in Reception have settled in well at school and are getting used to new routines quickly. “It’s lovely to see the children making new friends and having fun in our fantastic new space,” said Mrs Kashif, Assistant Head teacher.

The children are also thoroughly enjoying their new learning challenge “Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?” They have loved learning about Space using the book “On the moon” and have even created a class fact file about Space.

“This topic has caught the imagination of the children,” explained Mr Webb.  Caeden, from Red class, added “It takes four days to get to the moon because it’s so far away”.

The children have also had a visit from the Year 6 Star Leaders who told them all about the four constellation groups that are used in school – Cygnus, Hercules, Orion and Pegasus. “The children were amazed to hear about star patterns and the star leaders did a fantastic presentation in each class,” said Mrs Woolley.

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