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Reception outdoor improvements

Plans to transform the outdoor space for Reception pupils are being drawn up by specialist contractors.  The Governing Body has approved a significant spend on the playground space to improve learning facilities for Reception pupils as soon as possible.  

The existing playground space will be converted into a series of zones, underpinned by the requirements of the Early Years curriculum, where pupils can take risks through play in a controlled way.  Our brief to contractors, who will design and build the outdoor space, includes providing climbing opportunities; large sandpit; running stream and associated learning with water; wooden 'village'; bike/scooter track; mini-'Gaga' pit; mud kitchen and restaurant; construction play area; planting and growing; reading and quiet zones.

We originally intended Nursery and Reception pupils to share the outdoor learning space between Nursery and Reception. However, the unanticipated opportunity to expand our Nursery through a time-limited government grant has resulted in more Nursery pupils in a smaller outdoor space, forcing us to rethink our plans.

We would like current Reception age pupils to benefit from the improvements and have at least a few weeks using a new outdoor space.  However, this will involve some disruption to enable works to take place during term-time.  Alternatively, we can plan works to take place during the summer holiday break without any disruption but current Reception pupils will miss out.  If parents have any views about the scheduling of works, please share these with Mr Webb or me.       

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