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Reception - Why are there so many leaves on the ground?

All about our topic 


This term in Reception we have been learning about the Autumn season.  All aspects of learning have been linked to our Autumn topic.  During the first week  of term Reception thoroughly enjoyed  a local  trip to Lammas Park where the children were given the opportunity to explore their natural surroundings collecting conkers, pine cones,  leaves, twigs, this trip was successful and consolidated the children’s learning .  The Reception children have shown such confidence in talking about their experiences and feeding back their findings to the rest of the class.


 In Art Reception have been enjoying creating Autumn displays and pictures. We have been using leaves to make hedgehogs and we have been mixing primary colours together to create Autumn colours. The children in Reception are enthusiastic about this topic and recently had a visit from Year 4 who they were keen to share their experiences of colour mixing with.  “Red and Yellow makes orange.” Julia

I know how to make the colour ”Green yellow and Blue.” Nour

Malena  “Red, Yellow, Orange Brown are all Autumn colours.” Lily


Our Percy Progress learning outcomes in Math are estimating, sorting and counting two groups together to find the total amount, Reception have been proactive, and highly motivated in their learning and have been using conkers, leaves and pine cones to support them with their Math.


English has been linked to our topic and we have had fun writing about the things we see during the Autumn season. This week we have started writing our story about an Autumn animal. 


“In Autumn we see, squirrels, foxes, hedgehogs.” Trisha


“In Autumn the birds fly South to find somewhere warmer to live and animals, squirrels and hedgehogs hibernate.” Max


It has been a pleasure to watch the children in Reception grow and develop with such confidence they have had great pleasure in talking about their experiences of Autumn taking on an active approach to their learning and bringing in such wonderful things to add to our Autumn topic and displays.



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