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Remote learning week 3- your views needed

Thank you to all those who completed our remote learning survey in week 1. Following your feedback we made a number of improvements, see our news article:

We would like your views on these changes to help us to make further tweaks where needed. please complete our short survey, posted in class teams on Microsoft Teams this morning and also linked here.


We will make further improvements where we can. We are talking to teachers about emerging strengths and things to improve based on our view. Pupil and parent views will help us. However, we must work to government rules.

The government expects schools to:

  • have a digital platform, such as G-Suite or Microsoft Education. We are using Microsoft Education, including Teams.
  • provide at least some of our remote learning by video lessons – school-led videos or other providers by Oak National Academy. We are doing both.
  • provide at least 4 hours of learning a day at key stage 2 and 3 hours at key stage 1, across curriculum subjects. 
  • set work that is meaningful and ambitious in a number of different subjects. 
  • check that pupils are doing the work, at least weekly, and tell parents as soon as we have a concern. 
  • gauge how well pupils are progressing and give feedback to pupils. 


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