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Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE lessons) at Fielding

This year in our Relationships, Sex, and Health Education lessons or RSHE (previously called PSHE) we have been successfully trialling new units of work and lessons which cover the new statutory Health and Relationships curriculums.


Our updated overview for this subject, created using resources and lessons from Ealing Health Improvement team, shows the mixture of health and relationships lessons that are taught from Nursery to Year 6.


Find out more about what pupils will learn by the time they leave primary school:


Topics taught in our relationship lessons include:

  • families (including LGBTQ+ families and relationships)
  • caring friendships
  • respectful relationships
  • being safe
  • online relationships
  • being safe (covering personal safety and when you might feel unsafe around other children and adults)


Topics in our Health lessons include:

  • mental well-being
  • internet safety and harms
  • physical health and fitness
  • healthy eating
  • drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • health and prevention (including sleep, allergies and teeth)
  • basic first aid (year 6)
  • changing adolescent body

Safeguarding, SMSC and British values are also golden threads weaved throughout our lessons.


Follow periods of school closure in the summer and spring terms we adapted our initial overview (found here) to focus on pupils' mental well-being  and rebuilding relationships. This means we have have changed the sequence of learning or included additional lessons to support pupils needs. One very successful example of this is our focus in autumn and spring term on mental health. We taught a wide range of lessons on defining mental health, types of feelings and emotions and how to deal with these. Older pupils focused on self-care strategies and routines that can boost their mental health.


What's coming up in the summer term?

In the summer term, we will be mainly focusing on our relationships curriculum and any remaining health lessons. In line with government guidance, we will not be teaching separate RSE (relationship, sex education). These lessons  will now be integrated into our relationships lessons.

These lessons are now statutory,  and will be taught in an age appropriate, respectful way. The only non-statutory element of our curriculum is the human reproduction system and conception, these are taught in Year 6. We will provide more information about these lessons  in the summer term.


It has been a joy to see how engaged pupils have been with our new RSHE lessons this year and the progress they have made with understanding of relationships, staying safe and mental well-being. We look forward to reflecting back on what has gone well with our new lessons and what our final overview will look like next year.

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