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School improvement

Governors and school leaders set priorities.

School leaders and the Governing Body have worked together to evaluate the performance of the school and set key improvement priorities for this school year, including:

  1. Improve pupil outcomes so that Fielding’s pupils perform much better than others national by:
    1. increasing challenge and expectations from starting points
    2. narrowing the gap for disadvantaged pupils in school and between other pupils nationally, especially in maths
    3. raising pupil outcomes in maths
    4. increasing success in phonics and spelling
    5. reducing variance between reading, writing and maths outcomes at the end of Early Years.
  2. All teachers consistently use teaching and assessment strategies which have the biggest impact on learning, implementing a Visible Learning approach.
  3. All adults consistently reinforce and promote highest expectations and manage behaviour highly effectively.
  4. Developing the ‘whole child’ through a broad and balanced curriculum, promoting core skills, science, music and sport.
  5. Looking after our staff team, recruiting, developing and retaining the highest quality team.
  6. Improving our indoor and outdoor environment to promote teaching, learning and pupil outcome priorities.
  7. Increasing the impact of governance on all aspects of school improvement.

The Governing Body regularly monitors progress towards our priorities by meeting every half-term in committees, receiving reports from school leaders and visiting the school to see and hear from teachers and children first-hand.

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