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Primary School and Nursery

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School improvement

Governors and school leaders set priorities.

National changes in education policy and evaluation of our school have determined key improvement priorities for this year, including:

1. Creating a values-based education philosophy, helping children establish a clear moral and ethical compass.

2. Deepening children’s understanding and improving assessment where the government has removed National Curriculum levels and introduced a new curriculum with higher expectations for each age group.

3. Continuing to improve the quality of our teaching and raising outcomes for children focusing on:

· maths and reading, with higher expectations and challenge especially for more able children

· letters and sounds (phonics) in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2

· handwriting and spelling.

“Our drive to improve learning and teaching is based on best practice from around the world and underpinned by the work of leading academics, Tim Oates and John Hattie,” explained Peter Dunmall, Head teacher.  Find out more, web-search or click:

· YouTube National Curriculum: Tim Oates, 15min video

· BBC Radio 4—The Educators, John Hattie, 30min interview

Governor members of our Pupils & Achievement committee are individually responsible for each priority and will monitor progress by meeting every half-term, receiving reports from school leaders and visiting the school to see and hear from children first-hand.


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