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Primary School and Nursery

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Site improvements

Contractors return on Monday to complete the last stage of works to the school field and playground. Works are expected to be finished by Friday. No disruption to pupils or visitors is anticipated.


Pupils in years 3-6 will gain a new library in September. Our current library at the front of the school is tired and needs refreshing. Our new design is bright and vibrant with plenty of display and storage space for books. There's enough seating for a whole class at a time, sitting in a range of different styles. 


Teachers are researching and ordering new library books to better match the things pupils learn about across our curriculum. New book stock will include a range of fiction and non-fiction books to read in school and take home.


Mrs Hodge becomes full-time librarian to better manage our books, rotating book stock to match the curriculum taught in class each term for each age group.


Storing current books and stripping out the library has already started. New flooring and decoration will take place over the summer holiday. The new library is scheduled to be fitted on 21 September.

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