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So long, farewell...

Dear Fielding Parents and Students,


Please excuse the formality of this message...I'd much prefer to speak with everyone individually, but that just can't be possible.


First, may I say a huge thanks for your generosity in giving me so many wonderful leaving gifts.  I have tried to reply to as many as possible, but I know I've not managed even half of them.  As perhaps the children will tell you, I'll be spending the vouchers on patio furniture for my new house.  As for the chocolates and wine, I'm sure I'll come up with a suitable solution!


May I also say a huge thank-you for making me so welcome at Fielding.  I have always described this as my dream job, as I have been able to combine my two passions:  music, and working with children.  I hope to some extent that I have enabled the children to appreciate music, perhaps even inspired them to listen, play and enjoy.


Professional to the last (!) I will not share here my contact details for when I move north.  However, I would love to hear from you, for you to share your news, and perhaps even to have a coffee with you if ever you make it up to the Orkney Islands.  I have left my contact details with Fielding staff, with the instruction to pass them on to any interested people once I have officially stopped being a teacher at the school, so do ask them.


It has been a great pleasure making music with your children.  I wish you and them all the best for the future.


Michael Mappin

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