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Primary School and Nursery

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Soft Start

Drop off from 8.45am, starts Monday 8th September

From Monday, school doors will open at 8.45am with children coming straight into school as soon as they arrive.  Doors close at 9am, when the register is also taken and teaching begins.  On the rare occasions that any child arrives after 9am, they should report to the school office.  After hanging up coats and bags, children will undertake a range of independent learning activities such as reading, handwriting, spelling, times-tables and reviewing previous learning / marking, at the teacher’s discretion.

Our youngest children will continue to be dropped off at the classroom doors and be greeted by their teacher:

· Reception, Years 1, 2 & 3—drop off at individual classroom doors.

For our older children, to help build independence and prepare for high school, drop-off will be at designated playground doors.  Children are expected to be responsible and trustworthy as they move through the building to their classroom as they arrive at school:

· Year 4, dining hall entrance from the large middle playground

· Year 5, double doors between Music Room and ICT Room

· Year 6, entrance from Wyndham Road playground

An adult from each year group team will be available to take messages from parents at each entrance door.  All teachers will be in the playground after school for informal chats.

Parents are welcome to mingle in the playground before school after dropping children off until 9am.

“We’re looking forward to a calm and purposeful start to the school day, giving children the chance to arrive at school from 8.45am and start their learning,” explained Mrs. Lunnon Haines, Deputy Head.


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