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Summer Reading Challenge and this year's Reading Celebrations

This summer, children aged 4-11 can visit their library to meet the Gadgeteers and to get involved in a science and innovation themed Summer Reading Challenge.

Organised by charity The Reading Agency and the UK public library network since 1999, the Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest annual reading promotion for children aged 4 to 11. Last year, in Ealing over 500 children took part.


Free access to books

The Summer Reading Challenge combines free access to books with fun, creative activities during the summer holidays. Throughout the Challenge, library staff and young volunteers support the children, helping them to discover new authors and illustrators and to explore a wide range of different types of books and ways of reading.


How the Challenge works

  • Children sign up through their local library and receive a Gadgeteers collector poster.
  • Children set a reading goal and borrow and read library books of their own choice during the summer, collecting special stickers to complete their poster and extra incentives along the way.
  • Library staff and volunteers are on hand to advise and run family-friendly activities.
  • Children who complete the Summer Reading Challenge are presented with a certificate and/or a medal.
  • The official Challenge website hosts digital rewards, author videos, games and more for children to enjoy all summer.


Introducing... Gadgeteers!

Through taking part in the Challenge, with free materials from and online via Ealing Libraries and the Challenge website, children will be able to meet the six fictional Gadgeteers. The characters – brought to life by children’s writer and illustrator Julian Beresford – use their curiosity and wonder to understand the science behind a whole range of interests, from fashion and technology to cooking and music.

Through an exciting book collection and accompanying activities, the Gadgeteers will help to spark children’s curiosity about the world around them, and encourage them to feed their imagination over the summer holiday. They will be boggled by brilliant facts, gaze at the stars, and be inspired by tales of creativity and invention. With plenty of great options across picture books, early readers and middle grade books, there’s lots to keep children busy at their local library.

Further information

You can find additional information and free resources to support children’s reading for pleasure in the Summer Reading Challenge School Zone


Pupils at Fielding demonstrate a real love for Reading and reading habits are exemplary across the school. The impact of this can be seen in the end of year outcomes in the subject and the number of pupils each week who receive Reading certificates in their reward assemblies.

Now that Reward Assemblies have resumed in halls, it has been a pleasure to see so many pupils at Fielding being awarded Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Platinum Reading Awards. These are achieved for pupils having read  5, 10, 15 or 25 books from their year group recommended reading lists and completing response activities (from the options provided in their reading record). In September, pupils will be provided with a response activity book in which they are to complete the challenges. They will be able to hand this in to class teachers once they are have completed 5, 10, 15 and 25 challenges. 


A huge congratulations to everyone who achieved Reading Certificates this year!

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