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The Power of Times Tables: Boosting Your Child's Math Confidence

Mathematics is often seen as a daunting subject for many children, and as parents, we strive to support our little ones in their journey to mastering it. One fundamental aspect of math that serves as a cornerstone for further learning is understanding times tables. While it might seem like a simple concept, the importance of times tables cannot be overstated, especially in the early years of a child's education. So, why are times tables so crucial, and how can parents help their children excel in this area?


  1. Foundation for Mathematical Skills: Times tables provide the foundation upon which numerous mathematical concepts are built. From multiplication and division to fractions, decimals, and even algebra, a solid grasp of times tables lays the groundwork for more complex mathematical operations. Just as a house needs a strong foundation to stand tall, a child needs a firm understanding of times tables to tackle more advanced math with confidence.

  2. Speed and Accuracy: Proficiency in times tables enables children to solve mathematical problems quickly and accurately. Imagine trying to navigate through a maze without a map – it would be slow and frustrating. Similarly, without knowing times tables, children may struggle to solve problems efficiently, leading to frustration and a lack of confidence in their mathematical abilities.

  3. Confidence Booster: When children know their times tables inside out, they feel more confident in their mathematical abilities. Confidence is key to success in any subject, and math is no exception. A confident child is more likely to actively participate in class, take on challenging problems, and ultimately, excel academically.

  4. Real-World Applications: Times tables have numerous real-world applications beyond the classroom. From calculating shopping bills and telling time to understanding interest rates and cooking measurements, multiplication skills are used in various everyday scenarios. By mastering times tables, children develop practical skills that they can apply throughout their lives.

  5. Building Mental Math Skills: Knowing times tables by heart enhances children's mental math abilities. Mental math is not only useful in everyday situations where a calculator may not be available but also strengthens critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By practicing times tables regularly, children sharpen their mental math abilities, making them more adept at tackling mathematical challenges.


So, as parents, how can we support our children in mastering times tables and reaping the benefits that come with it?

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Encourage your child to practice times tables regularly. Set aside dedicated time each day for practicing multiplication facts through games, flashcards, or online resources. Every KS2 child at Fielding has access to Times Table Rock Stars and every KS1 child has access to Numbots. We recommend that children engage with these programs at home at least 4 times a week for between 8-10 minutes.

  • Make it Fun: Incorporate fun activities and games into learning times tables to keep your child engaged and motivated. Whether it's a multiplication bingo game or a times tables race against the clock, making learning enjoyable can significantly enhance retention. Check out this article from Third Space Learning for ideas of how to learn times tables at home.

  • Use Real-Life Examples: Show your child how times tables are used in everyday life. Involve them in activities that require multiplication, such as baking, setting the table, or calculating pocket money. Connecting times tables to real-world scenarios makes learning more meaningful and memorable.

  • Provide Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's progress and achievements in learning times tables. Offer praise and encouragement to boost their confidence and motivation. Positive reinforcement reinforces the importance of mastering times tables and encourages continued effort.


Understanding times tables is not just about memorising numbers; it's about building a strong mathematical foundation, enhancing problem-solving skills, and boosting confidence. Use this Easter break as an opportunity to do each of these things and enjoys maths together with your child.

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