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Tolerence Lessons in Year 2

Year 2 English

In keeping with our Curriculum topic "How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place?" We have started a new English text which has really captured the interest of all pupils. This week we have been learning about recounts with a focus on the book "I am Rosa Parks". From this text, the pupils have learnt all about who she was and what her life was like, sparking some great discussion within the classroom. We have thought about what we have learnt about Rosa's life and how she shows the values we learn about at Fielding. Milo in 2H said “It’s been really interesting learning all about Rosa Park’s life and how she changed the lives' of black people.”​
In addition to learning about the values Rosa showed, pupils are learning the apostrophe being used in writing for contractions, and using this skill in their recounts.

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