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Values Baccalaureate leaderboards, hall of fame and new task cards! ⭐

Pupils in Year 4,5 and 6 have been working hard towards their bronze, silver, gold and platinum values baccalaureates. We have updated our 'hall of fame' and 'leaderboard' for you to view.

This week we will also introduce the new and improved task cards - children can collect one from their class teacher or from the noticeboard on the Year 4 stairwell.


The first three awards: bronze, silver and gold are now on one card. Once completed, the children can then move on to the platinum tasks. All tasks need to be completed for the children to achieve each award.


Each award included are some new tasks as well as some that are more flexible. The tasks are even more closely related to our core values of respect, resilience, reflection and empathy.

Pupils who are already working towards an award on the old style task card should continue until they have achieved the award they are working on. They can then collect the new card. 

All evidence towards the awards should be presented in a portfolio of work, it could include photographs, writing, drawing or a witness statement.

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