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Year 1 Trip to London Transport Museum

Parent volunteers urgently required for 1H-Monday 29th February

On Monday 29th February classes 1H and 1P will be visiting the London Transport Museum, as an exciting way to start our new topic ‘Where do, and did, the wheels on the bus go?

During the day, the children will have the opportunity to experience one of the museum’s education sessions ‘Platform Promenade’ where role-play and interactive models bring transport and related topics to life. They will also have the chance to visit the ‘hands-on’ galleries where they will be able to explore the various methods of transport used in London from past to present, which will boost their understanding of chronology and historical enquiry.  The children are very excited about the trip but we urgently require three more parent helpers for the day. Please let Miss Whaley know if you are able to accompany members of her class on the day.

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