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Year 2 Christingle

Pupils prepare for Christingle service

For the past few weeks, pupils in Year 2 have been working hard to learn songs and hymns for our annual Christingle service at St Thomas the Apostle Church, Hanwell, which will take place on Friday 11th December at 2.30pm. Not only have pupils been practising hymns to perform, they have also been learning about what a Christingle is and the significance it has for the Christian faith at this time of year. “I know that the orange stands for the world, the cocktail sticks stand for the four seasons and the candle represents Jesus.” explained Guy, 2H.

Pupils particularly enjoyed using the computer to research Christingles and from this they wrote their own set of instructions about how to make a Christingle, using a clear step-by-step format. These instructions were put to the test when they finally made their own Christingles on Wednesday.

“We are so impressed with how much enthusiasm and excitement the children have shown about our Christingle service. We are looking forward to another fabulous performance on Friday.” commented Mr Theobald, Year 2 Lead Teacher.

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