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Year 2 English

Trip to The Natural History Museum recount

What a great first two weeks back we have had after our Easter break! We have learnt about Dinosaurs and even managed to squeeze in a trip to the Natural History Museum. The pupils loved their visit and I’m sure there have been many children asking their parents when they can go back. The pupils are now able to talk about fossils and skeletons of dinosaurs. William, 2H, explained “It was such an amazing trip, I had no idea about the different sizes of dinosaurs and how sharp some of their teeth were.” When the children got back to school, all they could talk about was the trip. The teachers in Year 2 thought this would be a perfect time to write a recount about the visit as all children were so engaged. The pupils enjoyed this from the moment they started writing and were eager to learn how to make their recount as detailed as possible. We focused on suffixes, statements, exclamations and questions. At first the children found this challenging as they had to include all four writing features in one piece of work. After explicit grammar teaching, drafting and editing, their final recounts were incredible! 

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