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Year 2 outstanding outcomes

Rapid progress and high achievement

The majority of pupils in Year 2 have made expected progress in reading, writing and maths since leaving Reception with many making more than expected progress, especially in writing.

A very high proportion of children have met the government's expected standard for Year 2 including nearly one-third of pupils working above the expected standard for reading and maths.

Disadvantaged pupils, who receive additional funding from the government, have all achieved highly compared to other pupils in school, giving them the best possible start to Year 3.

In reading, 17 out of 18 pupils passed the phonics screening re-check, having had extra help during Year 2 to support their understanding of letters and sounds. Over half of these children scored 38 marks, or more, out of 40 this year having not met the government's pass mark at the end of Year 1.

Progress in writing has been especially rapid with the majority of pupils making more than expected progress during Year 1 and Year 2. Writing outcomes for this cohort were low at the end of Reception. Focused teaching during Year 1 and Year 2 has resulted in pupils catching-up.

Maths is the strongest subject area, closely followed by reading where 85% and 84% of pupil met the required standard respectively.

Full summary results will be published shortly on the school's website.

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