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Year 2 Outstanding pupil outcomes at the end of key-stage 1

Stretch and challenge

The vast majority of Year 2 pupils (85%) have met the government's expected standards in reading, writing and maths at end of key-stage 1 assessments.  Over a third of pupils met the standard to be working at greater depth.

For our 2 disadvantaged pupils in Year 2, both met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.  The school is committed to removing barriers and enabling our disadvantaged pupils to achieve and thrive.

Since the end of Reception, virtually all year 2 pupils have made expected progress from their different starting points, especially in maths and writing with up to one-third making more than expected progress. 

Outcomes were highest in maths, closely followed by writing and then reading. Over half of pupils are working at greater depth in maths or reading, far higher than 26% nationally, last year. Maths outcomes continue to reflect our recent school improvement priority and professional development for teachers.  Pupils have successfully developed a deeper understanding of maths concepts and improved their ability to apply their knowledge to new problems as a result of our use of apparatus, visual representation and emphasis on fluency with basic skills in class.

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