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Year 3 camp out

Exciting opportunity to build independence in our Year 3 children through our first Fielding Camp out


With the weather warming and May already ticking by, we are getting closer to our first Fielding camp out. This very exciting adventure has been designed to give children the opportunity to spend a night away from home in the safe and exciting environment of school with all their classmates. The company that is hosting the event has planned a range of activities including: creating land art, fire lighting, shelter  building,  purifying water to make it drinkable and range of team building games. There will also be a campfire (with snacks) in the evening before children head to bed in their group tents. Camp and school staff will then patrol the site until everyone has settled in for the night. To ensure we have plenty of time to do all of the activities they will continue the next day until around 3pm. Children who are not attending the camp out will be in regular lessons during this time.

We are hoping to see as many children as possible there to make it a truly memorable occasion. If you have any concerns regarding anything, including cost (total cost is £39) please see the Year Three team or Miss Stabler. 

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