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Year 4 - The Romans Are Coming!

We have had a great start to year 4. Having settled in to their new routines and now remembering to bring in their Reading Records every day, the children are now immersing themselves in all things Roman! Preparation and planning for our Roman historical narratives is underway and we are all thoroughly enjoying reading our English stimulus, ‘Roman Invasion – My Story’.  

Reflection on what makes a good learner has re-focussed everyone on their goals and next steps for this year. In connection with British Values, tolerance is taking us into October and Year 4 have once again taken the responsibility and the challenge of completing the Values Baccalaureate. This is the ultimate opportunity to show that they apply and live by all our school values both in and out of school. This will be fully explained to the children in school.

Finally, the date for the Year 4 Roman Day is Wednesday, 12th of October. Children are encouraged to dress up as their favourite Roman character!  

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